Parker Public Library


Rides for Readers

Do you enjoy reading but don’t have transportation to the library?
Parker Public Library is partnering with Parker Area Transit to provide FREE rides to the library!

Who:  Anyone who resides in Parker

What:  Free rides to the library to check out books
             Serving coffee, lemonade and snacks

When:  2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month
              Pick up will start at 9:50 am
              Return to residence at 10:45 am

Contact the library for more information or to get signed up
Call 605-297-5552 or email


Library Director: Tricia Erickson

Library Assistant: Mercedes Wentzel

Library Assistant: Cole Abbott

Library Board of Trustees

President- Leslie Masters

City Council Representative: Roxie Harms

Katie Purcell

Monica Christensen

Sue Deutsch

Kristin Schmidt